I’ve never hit the ‘reblog’ button on WordPress before, but when I read Joshua’s post this morning I felt my finger itching to click at it. With an okay from The Man, I am happy to spread the love.

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” – Dr. Seuss


The Reviews Are In

You know what’s awesome about being me? I’m better at it than anyone else.

Yup, true story.

I’ve messed up some stuff. Fixed some stuff. Made some stuff. I’ve even done some stuff. And all of it I have done just as well as I could when and where I did it.

Same goes for you. Ain’t nobody better at being you than you are or doing the special things that you do. You know the ones I mean.

Note: Twins, that goes for you too. Triplets as well. Quads, Quints and higher, I can’t speak for you. Sorry.

What I’m trying to get at here is that we’re all pretty bad ass at what we do and how we do it. And we keep getting better at it all the time.

Sure, there are days when things aren’t smooth or easy or especially awesome. But when you start putting…

View original post 219 more words

3 responses to “”

  1. EmilyS says :

    Good share!!

  2. Debbish says :

    Love this as well!

  3. Joshua says :

    Thank you very much for the share Laura! Keep being an awesome you!

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